During the month of September, our first month of school, we learned all about ourselves! We sang (to the tune of Head, shoulders, knees and toes):

Cabeza, hombros, rodillas, pies,

rodillas, pies …

Ojos y orejas y boca y nariz …

Cabeza, hombros, rodillas, pies,

rodillas, pies …

We learned about our body parts, our faces, our emotions and our senses.

We learned about la letra E/e, names that start with E and words that start with e: Elias, estrellas, embudo, elefante, escoba, elote, erizo, espejo, escuela, etc. We used estrellas (star-shaped) stickers to put around the shape of an e to start becoming familiar with that letter.

We also played a lot outside!