In April our unit of study was animals. First, we learned all about domestic animals: gato, perro, gallina, gallo, pato, cerdo, caballo, burro, conejo, chivo, oveja. We pretended to be those animals and we made a puzzle of a farm with the animals. Second, we learned all about animales salvajes: elefante, rinoceronte, cebra, jirafa, león, tigre, cocodrilo. We played with animal toys and learned their sounds. Third, we talked about animals that live under the sea: sardina, pulpo, atún, tiburón, ballena, pez. We sang songs about animals in the ocean. Fourth, we talked about all the insects around us: araña, hormiga, saltamontes, mariposa, abeja, insecto, bicho. We repeated the names of the insects in Spanish while playing with toy insects. At the end, each child brought a stuffed animal from home and we classified their animals into categories while repeating the names of the animals in Spanish.