
November flew by and we had so much fun! We learned about Dia de Acción de Gracias, otoño and its colors. We took some time to give thanks for our mamá, papá, hermanos, tíos y tías, as well as our dear teachers. Since all the colors around us are changing, we...

Halloween-Día de brujas!

A few memories from our Halloween celebration last week! We enjoyed a delicious breakfast together and walked to show our costumes to our friends. Of course we learned a new song with Ms. Faby. Abracadabra patas de cabra!!


In October we learned about the family and Halloween. We started listing Spanish names of family members: mamá, papá, hermana, hermano, abuela, abuelo, tía, tío, prima, primo, etc. We sang songs about families and the children acted out family members’ roles. We...


In September we had an awesome start of the school year! The children and teachers were eager to start school, to start making friends and to start learning. Our unit of study in September was el cuerpo humano, the human body. We learned about parts of our body, parts...


In May we learned about different transportation methods, transportes, that can take us to different places just in time for summer vacations. First, we learned about transportation methods on land: carro, autobús, tren, moto, bicicleta, tractor, camión, camioneta y...

Colores Surprise Breakfast

The Colores teachers had a surprise breakfast party for the children to celebrate the end of the school year. We enjoyed pancakes, bacon, fruit and juice. We had a great time conversing and enjoying each other’s...


In April our unit of study was animals. First, we learned all about domestic animals: gato, perro, gallina, gallo, pato, cerdo, caballo, burro, conejo, chivo, oveja. We pretended to be those animals and we made a puzzle of a farm with the animals. Second, we learned...


In March we learned about and celebrated the arrival of spring and the growth of new plants. We learned that plants need air, water, light and nutrients to grow and develop. We learned what parts of plants grow first and how they grow. We made collages, arts and...

Día del Amor y la Amistad

We celebrated our friendships and love on Valentine’s Day, Día del amor y la amistad! The children made beautiful friendship cards for their classmates and teachers. At school, we sat in a circle and the children one by one exchanged their cards and gave them to...