In November we talked about fall or otoño and Thanksgiving or Día de acción de gracias. We learned that the weather gets colder in fall and the leaves start to change color and fall from the trees all around us. We recited this poem about fall and acted out the different actions the leaves were doing: En otoño las hojitas de los árboles se caen, viene el viento, las levanta y empiezan a … bailar, cantar, correr, saltar…

The letters we learned about were U/u and F/f. Words and names that start with U/u and F/f are unicornio, uvas, uniforme, Fox, flor, fuegoetc. We glued pieces of foam sheets together to resemble Thanksgiving turkeys or pavos. The children enjoyed the craft activity and were proud of their work that they  got to take home. Everyone have a safe and happy Thanksgiving! Feliz Día de acción de gracias a todos!