

We are very excited to welcome your child into our class and to welcome your family into our community!

On your child(ren)’s first day of school, please bring this completed paperwork for each child:

In addition to the paperwork, please also bring these items on your child(ren)’s first day of school:

  • Change of clothes
  • Diapers or pull-ups (if your child wears them)
  • Zippy cup or water bottle

Each school day the children will also bring their lunchbox or lunch bag from home with their lunch and a snack in it.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

“We can tell that our son’s had a very positive school experience with more exposure to Spanish language, friendships, music, and play. It’s a special place that provides everything we hoped for him. 🙂 A huge thank you!”

Francesca & Matt