We are a small school and learning community where children come to be exposed to Spanish language and culture. We are committed to providing a safe, nurturing and supportive environment built upon respect, trust and love. We are a child-centered school where the teacher acts as a facilitator. We value each child for who they are and guide them towards readiness into our multilingual global community.

9th Year Anniversary

Colores Preschool 9th Year Anniversary

Singing about Animals/Animales with Ms.  Faby’s accordion at our Colores spring community party! 

Colores Preschool: HIJKLMN​ñO

In November we learned about fall celebrations, fall weather, leaves, acorns, pumpkins, apples and all things related to the season of fall or estaci​ón de otoño. We talked about the traditions around Thanksgiving day that we call D​ía de acci​ón de gracias in...

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La Familia

In October we learned about different people that make up families: hermana, hermano, beb​é, mam​á, pap​á, abuela, abuelo, t​ía, t​ío, prima, primo, etc. We practiced and learned songs and poems about families too. We found pictures of different kinds of families in...

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Feliz Halloween!

 At Colores Preschool, we all sang The family/La familia together at our fun Halloween party - students, teachers, parents and friends - with Ms Faby and her accordion!

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All About Ourselves & Back to School Celebration

We had an awesome back to school time with lots of learning and fun celebrations. In September we learned about our bodies including our faces, arms, legs and more. We sang a song with vocabulary about our faces and another song with vocabulary about our bodies. We...

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Celebrating our Community

We had an amazing party on our last day of a wonderful school year at Colores Preschool with our children, families, siblings, grandparents and teachers! The children sang a song and recited a poem for their mamás in honor of Mother's Day. We ate fruit popsicles,...

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“Thank you so so much for making our son’s first week of school go so well for him. I could tell he was well loved and cared for and his mood was so happy each day I picked him up and when I would talk to him about school. I’m thankful for two wonderful teachers who will look out for my little one :)”

“We really had a great year! I can’t believe how well our son transitioned into the school. He was always so excited to come. Muchas gracias!”