Enero was full of new words. We learned about different animales that fly, crawl, jump or swim. We sang La Vaca Lola non-stop, and celebrated a few birthdays together.
At Colores, we learned about number 2, practiced counting and tracing it, as well as using our fine motor skills to mold its shape with Play-Doh.
We loved our book “El conejo escuchó” and read it together, now, we have new ways to react when things don’t go as planned and we need some space to calm down.
Lastly, we welcomed Ms. Alejandra as our new assistant teacher. Welcome Alejandra!
November flew by and we had so much fun!
We learned about Dia de Acción de Gracias, otoño and its colors. We took some time to give thanks for our mamá, papá, hermanos, tíos y tías, as well as our dear teachers. Since all the colors around us are changing, we reinforced the leaf colors and included some words in our vocabulary such as amarillo, cafe, rojo and verde.
Along the activities we did, we practice our fine motor skills using real leaves to create a beautiful tree. We painted, colored and teared paper to make cute designs.
Lastly, we started reading the book “El monstruo de colores”, while reading it, we have learned about our emotions and what happens when we are happy/feliz, sad/triste, scared/asustados, calm/calmados or angry/enojados. We will continue reading this book and learning together.

Halloween-Día de brujas!
In October we learned about the family and Halloween. We started listing Spanish names of family members: mamá, papá, hermana, hermano, abuela, abuelo, tía, tío, prima, primo, etc. We sang songs about families and the children acted out family members’ roles.
We also learned about one of our fun fall holidays, Halloween, or Día de las brujas. We glued cotton balls onto paper to form un fantasma. We glued eyes and mouth to form una linterna de calabaza. We sang Escobita voladora and La brujita Tapita about brujas. We also got to play inside and outside a lot. We enjoyed playing with playdough, magnetic tiles, games like loteria y dominos. Outside we enjoyed the sandbox, the ride on toys and running up and down the hill.
Also, in October we welcomed Ms. Thracy to our team. You will get to know more about her in the upcoming days.
In September we had an awesome start of the school year! The children and teachers were eager to start school, to start making friends and to start learning. Our unit of study in September was el cuerpo humano, the human body. We learned about parts of our body, parts of our face, about our emotions, about our five senses and about ourselves. The children enjoyed learning our songs of Cabeza, hombros, rodillas, pies… and Mi carita redondita…
We read books related to our bodies. We did puzzles. We glued pieces of paper. We also used our five senses: we touched things, listened to things, saw things, tasted sweet and sour things and we smelled things. We used our five senses while playing outside a lot.
Back To School
In May we learned about different transportation methods, transportes, that can take us to different places just in time for summer vacations. First, we learned about transportation methods on land: carro, autobús, tren, moto, bicicleta, tractor, camión, camioneta y más. Then we learned about transportation methods on water: barco, lancha, velero, moto acuática, transatlántico, submarino, etc. Finally, we learned about transportation methods in the air: avión, avioneta, helicóptero, globo aerostático, cohete y más. We made the noises different vehicles make while we pretended to be the vehicles. We sang songs about different transports and we circled or colored vehicles on pages while we discussed who has gone on them.
We had many celebrations this month:
-End of year graduation for our adult Spanish class students
-End of year breakfast
-Mothers’ day
-Colores Preschool 10th Year Anniversary!!
Colores Preschool 10th Anniversary Celebration!

Colores Surprise Breakfast
In April our unit of study was animals. First, we learned all about domestic animals: gato, perro, gallina, gallo, pato, cerdo, caballo, burro, conejo, chivo, oveja. We pretended to be those animals and we made a puzzle of a farm with the animals. Second, we learned all about animales salvajes: elefante, rinoceronte, cebra, jirafa, león, tigre, cocodrilo. We played with animal toys and learned their sounds. Third, we talked about animals that live under the sea: sardina, pulpo, atún, tiburón, ballena, pez. We sang songs about animals in the ocean. Fourth, we talked about all the insects around us: araña, hormiga, saltamontes, mariposa, abeja, insecto, bicho. We repeated the names of the insects in Spanish while playing with toy insects. At the end, each child brought a stuffed animal from home and we classified their animals into categories while repeating the names of the animals in Spanish.
In March we learned about and celebrated the arrival of spring and the growth of new plants. We learned that plants need air, water, light and nutrients to grow and develop. We learned what parts of plants grow first and how they grow. We made collages, arts and crafts with dried plants, leaves, flowers, twigs, stems and parts of plants. While playing outside we observed plants around us: trees, flowers, grass, shrubs, wines and all things green. We sang a song and recited a poem about the arrival of spring. We’re looking forward to learning all about animals in the month of April.
Día del Amor y la Amistad
We celebrated our friendships and love on Valentine’s Day, Día del amor y la amistad!
The children made beautiful friendship cards for their classmates and teachers. At school, we sat in a circle and the children one by one exchanged their cards and gave them to their friends. We really enjoyed celebrating our friendships and appreciations for each other!
In February we learned all about shapes:
and many more.
We talked about how many sides and angles shapes have. We traced some shapes and we colored in shapes on paper. We used puzzles and blocks to repeat the names of the shapes in Spanish. The children also enjoyed reading about shapes and looking for shapes in our classroom. We also sang a song about círculo, rectángulo, triángulo, cuadrado.
“We love Colores and will be recommending it to our friends with little ones. Thank you for such a wonderful introduction to school for our daughter! It has been perfect for our family this year.”
“Our daughter started at Colores when she was 2 1/2 years old, and it was her first school experience. She absolutely loved it from the start. We were anticipating some tears or at least some hesitation in the first couple of weeks, but she was completely comfortable with going to school at Colores right away despite coming from an English-speaking household. I put a lot of the credit on Reka and Carmen’s warm and calm demeanors. It seems like they can handle any classroom situation with ease which allows the kids to fully enjoy their day. Our daughter loves Reka and Carmen and loves all the fun art projects she gets to do. There is no question in our minds that our younger daughter will be attending Colores when she’s old enough. We wouldn’t send our kids anywhere else for preschool.”