In the month of May we learned about foods that we eat, comidas que comemos. First, we learned names of fruits in Spanish: manzana, pera, durazno, fresa, ar​ándano, pl​átano and many more. Second, we learned names of vegetables in Spanish: br​óculi, tomate, chícharos, apio, lechuga, pepino, pimiento and many others. Then, we learned some names of foods in Spanish: taco, enchilada, quesadilla, ensalada, empanada, emparedado, hamburguesa and more. We also learned names of drinks in Spanish: jugo, leche, agua, t​é and others.

Towards the end of the month, the teachers organized a breakfast for the children to celebrate the end of the school year. The children really enjoyed  a breakfast of fresas, ar​ándanos, panqueques y jugo.

We also celebrated Mother’s Day by learning a song about Mom and performing it to our community. The children painted picture frames in shapes of flowers, hearts or butterflies as gifts for their mam​ás.