November flew by and we had so much fun!
We learned about Dia de Acción de Gracias, otoño and its colors. We took some time to give thanks for our mamá, papá, hermanos, tíos y tías, as well as our dear teachers. Since all the colors around us are changing, we reinforced the leaf colors and included some words in our vocabulary such as amarillo, cafe, rojo and verde.
Along the activities we did, we practice our fine motor skills using real leaves to create a beautiful tree. We painted, colored and teared paper to make cute designs.
Lastly, we started reading the book “El monstruo de colores”, while reading it, we have learned about our emotions and what happens when we are happy/feliz, sad/triste, scared/asustados, calm/calmados or angry/enojados. We will continue reading this book and learning together.