In January we learned the Spanish names of pieces of clothing we wear/ropa que nos ponemos. We talked about different clothing we wear in the summer and clothing we wear in the winter. In summer we wear: pantaloncillos, falda, vestido, playera, traje de baño, pulsera, anillo, collar, zapatos, sandalias, chanclas. In winter we wear: pantalones, blusa, camisa, chaqueta, calcetines, calzones, medias, zapatos, botas.
We did a lot of arts and crafts activities related to our unit of study this month: we decorated paper cut-outs of vestidos with stickers, we painted wooden mitones with paint, we glued pictures of ropa onto paper divided into summer and winter clothes.
In January we played bingo and memory games with our teachers, read books, did puzzles, played with duplos and outside. We also very much enjoyed playing with magnetic tiles that two classmates gifted to our class. Muchas gracias!
Our Winter Creations
Learning about different types of clothing with creative projects!