We had an awesome back to school time with lots of learning and fun celebrations. In September we learned about our bodies including our faces, arms, legs and more. We sang a song with vocabulary about our faces and another song with vocabulary about our bodies. We pointed to parts of our faces, parts of our bodies, marched, walked, danced and moved around as we repeated words like cara, ojos, nariz, boca, brazos, manos, piernas, pies… We glued ojos, nariz, boca, pelo, orejas to colorful paper faces. We also painted rice and glued the painted rice to paper shapes of human bodies. We played a lot outside with sand, flowers, grass, twigs and toys. We also exercised our bodies a lot outside running and walking around.
We had a lot to celebrate this month. We started by getting together with our families to enjoy ice cream from an ice cream truck in our parking lot to start the school year. We celebrated our two teachers’ birthdays with popsicles. We also celebrated several children’s birthdays with popsicles and muffins. We’re looking forward to a lot of learning and celebrations in October!