In April we learned about a lot of different animals: farm animals, animals in oceans, animals in forests, animals from different parts of the world, pets and more. With the help of puzzles and pictures of animals we repeated the Spanish names of animals: gato, perro, cerdo, jirafa, elefante, mono, pinguino, iguana… We also pretended to be those animals while moving around, singing and dancing. Each child made a book of favorite animals by gluing pictures of animals to each page. Then the teachers labeled each page with the Spanish name of the animal.
Outside the children really enjoyed playing in the sandbox and running up and down our hill and all around our backyard.
We were able to get together as a community of students, parents, teachers, families and friends for a party finally without masks! Our Colores Spring Community Night at Austin Beerworks was a success! We chatted, played, ate dinner and sang the popular song De Colores together.