In April we learned a lot about animales/animals. We learned about animals from farms, oceans, Africa, America, Antarctica, pets, insects and more. The children colored black and white drawings of animals and drew their own animals on paper. We sang a song about animals in the ocean: Una sardina, una sardina nadando en el agua, una sardina, una sardina, aamm, aamm, aamm. Oh no, fue comido por un pulpito, un pulpito… un atún, un atún… un tiburón, un tiburón… una ballena, una ballena…

The children did a great job repeating after the teacher and learning the Spanish names of animals while playing with our toy animals and looking at pictures or magnets of animals. They also enjoyed reading and looking through books about animals.

We had a lot of fun playing with blocks, cars, puzzles and the kitchen inside as well as all our toys outside in the nice weather.