In December we talked about the four seasons and focused on the season of winter, el invierno. We learned about the weather cooling, raining and sometimes snowing. We looked at pictures of places where snow falls and stays on the ground for a long time. We decorated the pictures with snowflake stickers, copos de nieve.
We learned about the different celebrations and holidays that occur at the end of the year. We used our instruments a lot this month. While shaking our bells to the rhythm, we sang:
Cascabeles, cascabeles, tra la la la la,
que alegría todo el día tra la la la la…
We learned about la letra H/h. We learned that the letter H/h is silent in Spanish, it is not pronounced in words. We talked about names and words that start with H/h: Harris, hielo, hoja, hilo, helicoptero…
We would like to say: “Thank you very much to Diego’s family for gifting a pretend play Grocery Store to our school! The children love playing with it! Muchas gracias!”